
app.command.SpriteSize {
  • ui: Shows the dialog on the screen, true by default. Set to false to modify the sprite size without asking to the user.
  • width: Final sprite width. Current sprite width by default.
  • height: Final sprite height. Current sprite height by default.
  • scale: Bidimensional scale factor per unit (1.0 = same original sprite size). 1.0 by default.
  • scaleX: horizontal scale factor per unit. 1.0 by default.
  • scaleY: Vertical scale factor per unit. 1.0 by default.
  • lockRatio: Final sprite aspect ratio is locked when it is true.false by default.
  • method: Resize algorithm method to be used. "nearest" by default (Nearest Neighbor), alternatives: "bilinear" and "rotSprite".

Known issue: On the following code, we have a variable i pointing to the cel.image. After the app.command.SpriteSize execution, i doesn't longer points to original image. Finally, print(i.width) will fail.

local s = Sprite(1, 1)
local cel = app.cel
local i = cel.image

app.command.SpriteSize{ ui = false, scaleX = 2 }

print(i.width) -- it will fail: ...attempt to index a nil value (global 'i')

So, to make it works, we have to use cel.image instead of i:

local s = Sprite(1, 1)
local cel = app.cel

app.command.SpriteSize{ ui = false, scaleX = 2 }

print(cel.image.width) -- it will print "2"

Another way, using i, and get again the cel.image after app.command.SpriteSize:

local s = Sprite(1, 1)
local cel = app.cel
local i = cel.image

app.command.SpriteSize{ ui = false, scaleX = 2 }
i = cel.image  -- We have to get the image again
print(i.width) -- it will print "2"

This issue will be fixed soon.